Write My Next Sermon
Yep. I'm serious.This summer we'll begin a series called "God Is..." which will feature sermons about the character of God.
What is He like? What difference does it make?
I'll be preaching the weekend of July 16-17 but I'm already working on the talk and I believe there's some great stuff coming together. My topic is "God is Justice" and I'm interested to see what stories, comments, thoughts and feelings you have about that topic.
I'm going to do something, something a little out of the ordinary. I'm posting the sermon so far at the bottom of this post for your inspection and contribution.
Yep. I said that too.
Comment here and let me know what thoughts, stories, insights, Scriptures, etc. you would include if this was your message.
Check in at Parkview on July 16-17 or online here to see if I use your stuff. I will mention you by name, just so you know.
Ground Rules:1. We may disagree doctrinally. I love you as a brother or sister, but I probably won't use your thought if that's the case.2. I typically preach 30 minutes or less. If you have a lengthy story, I might trunk it down.3. I am serious. If you don't want it presented to 6000+ people, don't share it.
Looking forward to hearing your comments!