3 "Notices" From Turning 43
…as I look at my response to this year I notice a few specific things. There are places that, prior to 2020, were small and imperceptible fissures but via pressure and time have now become full-blown rifts.
As year 43 of my life’s project begins in earnest, I also realize that my response to these growing chasms has to be different.
Photo by Christina Hernández on Unsplash

You Actually Like Tradition (Guest Post)
All of this is tradition; it is living history. The way you and I experience a baseball game isn’t all that different from a century ago. If things don’t happen as we expected, it almost feels sacrilege. I’m convinced that we like tradition more than we admit.
(Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash)

the domino falls
I often work with people who desire change. The work of spiritual formation is the work of facilitating transformation so that we grow to live well in our own skin. It always has been. Jesus taught the master class in this subject, and the rest of us are adapting that curriculum to our own lives and worlds.
However change or transformation happens not by accident or miracle, but because we have given our time to the small insurgencies against the old us whom we'd like to leave behind. We are pushing dominos towards life and health.
Photo by Masaaki Komori on Unsplash

5 Beautiful Experiments for 2018
5 beautiful experiments to try in this new year.

where we begin...
Procrastination and what we do with the moment right in front of us.

to love where you are
Aspirations are beautiful, but what about here...?

what is formed comes forward.
Thoughts on Charlottesville and what's really in us...

What We Do With Two Beats
We don't all get two beats...

the mystery, the clarity, and the fire
When the clarity of life hits the mystery of God, what draws them together?

a story of coming, a story of leaving
A walk on gravel, burying some pain, and the beginning of Advent...

finding our way home.
what moving has taught me about where I really live.

Politics, Leaves, and What's Beyond Us
Leaves falling, election coming, what do we do when life gets away from us?

otherwise occupied.
My returning fall obsession with football and the Psalms teaching on "meditations of the heart"