To Love a Coyote
My enemy, whomever and wherever they are, bear just as much likeness to the Divine as I do.

A Cloud, A Fire, and A Reason to Clean Out Your Basement
It is strange what happens when we are given a chance to simply notice things. The slowdown in schedule and occupation of time gives us a chance to see unseen things. Unnoticed things.
The still small voice now grows louder and louder. Pay attention. Now I have your attention.
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

It's Okay to Need
Admitting that we need things humbles us because it shows that we aren’t all powerful. Knowing what we need also puts us in the place of examining the why of our need and the feasibility of that need being met at all.
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Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

a promise before departing
This week, I head off the grid for a bit. So, today's note reflects that reality. It is brief, but hopefully helpful for you today.
Photo by Jakub Sejkora on Unsplash

when we play
What I found while hiding from a 6 year old...

finding lost things
A bracelet on the driveway and what we mean when we say "lost."

how to read - part 3
What we notice is how we read.