Formissional Life (#1)

Mission is not a trip that you take in the summer.Mission is the very nature and essence of the God who pursues the children in the far country, apart from Him.

Mission forms and shapes us. It essential to our spiritual formation.

It is in fact a spiritual discipline:

Going to the same grocery store on the same day at the same time so that you can interact with the same people is a discipline.

Spending time in conversation with your neighbor, who you don't really like, but truly setting aside your personal feelings to listen to them is a discipline.

Opening up your home, your life, your fence to your neighbors and inviting them in to share a meal is a discipline.

Maintaing the mission is a discipline that teaches us about the heart of God. It is a discipline that will leave us and our mission field completely and utterly changed.

This is the formissional life - the life that seeks to discipline itself to pursue God's mission instead of our own.


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