A Book is Just A Beginning
I feel so strongly that life with the Divine is about starting something…the Divine is beginning something today in each of us. There are, of course, our “works in progress” – our life story as it is up to this point – and yet within each large overarching story there are little beginnings as well.
The Committee
Is it possible that a simple phrase from a podcast, a transitioning faith, and a transitioning ministry, could teach us something about what it means to listen to and follow the Spirit? What if we are the committee?
Wonder and An Irish Public Restroom
The world is wider than we could imagine, in ways we can’t imagine. If we are brave enough to wonder at the difference, rather than condemn it, something opens in our souls.
We find greater wonder within us when we see that our familiar spaces do not contain the whole of the world.
Photo by Paul Costello on Unsplash
The Space Between
What is clear to me is that avoiding the present is to give up on the energy that transforms us.
What is also clear is that God’s favorite meeting place for the human adventure is right here, right now.
(Photo by Clay LeConey on Unsplash)
Spirituality With A Dog In Your Lap
There will always be excuses for us to dig beneath the crust of our carefully crafted selves. Some well-reasoned, some anxious, but all of them fear the same thing – reality. What might we find if we began turning over the stones in our souls?
Winston and the Restless Quiet of 2:30am
Restlessness is that uninvited moment where we suddenly realize, like the bartender’s trope, “I can’t go home but I can’t stay here.” The restless moment in front of us is the space in between. It is the nowhere between where we were and where we’re headed.
a promise before departing
This week, I head off the grid for a bit. So, today's note reflects that reality. It is brief, but hopefully helpful for you today.
Photo by Jakub Sejkora on Unsplash
The Story About My Tattoo
“There are days when we need to be reminded of where we are and who we are. We are made in the image of the Holy, given places and experiences and relationships in which we find out what it means to interact with the God-with-us in all of it.”
A story about my tattoo and why we all need a reminder of the “holy” all around us.
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash
the winding down.
Summer is beginning to wane...so what do we make of it?
some time away
The idea of time away from something is important because there are benefits to separation.
what it means to "get through it"
A note for anyone trying to "get through" something.
how to read - part 3
What we notice is how we read.
how to read - part 1
A series on how to read, because we often assume too much and see too little...