Arrival and Departure

I'll be taking a bit of a blog Sabbath for the Christmas season. You'll see a new post here on December 28th. I want to give you a heartfelt thanks for reading and commenting on the blog over the past year, and my prayer is to continue to provide helpful conversation starters for you throughout 2012. I leave you with this blessing for Christmas:

May the child in the feeding trough, rejected from birth by family and royalty, call you softly into His presence this Christmas and remind you that because of His presence you are redeemed, because of His rejection you are accepted, and because of His death to come you are now alive. May the love of God the Father, incarnated by the life of Jesus Christ and implanted within us by the Holy Spirit go with you now and throughout this blessed Christmas.



My Top 10 Posts from 2011


A Self-Examination Test