Post-Its, Dinner Tables, and the Search for Awe

Post-Its, Dinner Tables, and the Search for Awe

In the stay-at-home season that is COVID-19, we like many others are eating all of our meals at home. As a family, we’ve always had a high value for eating together. Now without the option of eating out, our table is carrying a great deal more weight.

During one of our walks, my wife and I discussed how easy it is in this pandemic to be overcome. The weight of unemployment numbers, financial projections, and the stories of health workers crash like tidal waves on our souls.

It is difficult to stand under the weight of it all.

So, Holley came up with an idea. Each night as we sat down to dinner we would talk about one thing from the day that brought us joy or hope, or something that was beautiful. Each of us responds and we write down those responses on a small card.

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